[Paraview] slice rep ignores dataset origin in cs mode

burlen burlen.loring at gmail.com
Thu May 24 17:08:20 EDT 2012

in pv 3.14 the slice rep is ignoring a dataset's origin and rendering it 
at 0,0. This is a change from the previous releases where slice rep 
rendered the dataset at it's origin.  The attached two datasets could be 
used to reproduce. They have different origin's and extents but should 
be coincident in the scene. The other rep's still use the dataset origin 
so you could switch d2 between slice and outline to illustrate. it only 
happens in cs mode.

These datasets show another bug. When I first open the dataset the gui 
is messed up (many things are grayed out) and nothing is displayed. You 
need to change the camera to +y to see the data but you can't. To work 
around I had to delete the view and make a new one. things work fine 
after that.

Not sure if these are known issues.

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