[Paraview] No volume representation for cell-centered data with center-to-point filter

Bao Kai paeanball at gmail.com
Wed May 16 16:36:44 EDT 2012

Hi, everybody,

Recently, we are trying to output our simulation results (  some
scalars ) with cell-centered scheme and xmdf format.

The problem now is that with the center-to-point filter, we can get
the contour(seems not work with cell-centered representation), while
we still can not use the volume representation.

The file header is provided as the following. We use some rectangular
mesh, while due to some requirements, the sizes of the mesh cells can
be different. So we have to output the coordinates (X, Y, Z ) of the
nodes to represent the mesh.

Could anybody tell me how I can do the volume rendering with our data?

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>
<Xdmf xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" Version="2.0">
 <Topology TopologyType="3DRectMesh" Dimensions=" 33 33 33 ">
 <Geometry Type="VXVYVZ">
 <!-- VX -->
 <DataItem Format="XML" Dimensions=" 33 ">
   0.000   0.031   0.062   0.094   0.125
   0.156   0.188   0.219   0.250   0.281
   0.312   0.344   0.375   0.406   0.438
   0.469   0.500   0.531   0.562   0.594
   0.625   0.656   0.688   0.719   0.750
   0.781   0.812   0.844   0.875   0.906
   0.938   0.969   1.000
 <!-- VY -->
 <DataItem Format="XML" Dimensions=" 33 ">
   0.000   0.031   0.062   0.094   0.125
   0.156   0.188   0.219   0.250   0.281
   0.312   0.344   0.375   0.406   0.438
   0.469   0.500   0.531   0.562   0.594
   0.625   0.656   0.688   0.719   0.750
   0.781   0.812   0.844   0.875   0.906
   0.938   0.969   1.000
 <!-- VZ -->
 <DataItem Format="XML" Dimensions=" 33 ">
   0.000   0.031   0.062   0.094   0.125
   0.156   0.188   0.219   0.250   0.281
   0.312   0.344   0.375   0.406   0.438
   0.469   0.500   0.531   0.562   0.594
   0.625   0.656   0.688   0.719   0.750
   0.781   0.812   0.844   0.875   0.906
   0.938   0.969   1.000
<Grid Name="soln_1PhFlw.xmf" GridType="Collection" CollectionType="Temporal">
 <Grid  Name="Grid at time  25.0000000000000000 " GridType="Uniform">
 <Time Value=" 25.0000000000000000 "/>
 <Topology Reference="/Xdmf/Domain/Topology[1]"/>
 <Geometry Reference="/Xdmf/Domain/Geometry[1]"/>
 <Attribute Name="conc" Center="cell">
 <DataItem Format="Binary" Endian="Big" DataType="Float" Precision="8"
Dimensions=" 32 32 32 ">
 <Attribute Name="velx" Center="cell">
 <DataItem Format="Binary" Endian="Big" DataType="Float" Precision="8"
Dimensions=" 32 32 32 ">
 <Attribute Name="vely" Center="cell">
 <DataItem Format="Binary" Endian="Big" DataType="Float" Precision="8"
Dimensions=" 32 32 32 ">
 <Attribute Name="velz" Center="cell">
 <DataItem Format="Binary" Endian="Big" DataType="Float" Precision="8"
Dimensions=" 32 32 32 ">
 <Attribute Name="density" Center="cell">
 <DataItem Format="Binary" Endian="Big" DataType="Float" Precision="8"
Dimensions=" 32 32 32 ">
 <Attribute Name="pressure" Center="cell">
 <DataItem Format="Binary" Endian="Big" DataType="Float" Precision="8"
Dimensions=" 32 32 32 ">

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