[Paraview] another question about polydata

Laurent Paul laurent.paul at uclouvain.be
Thu Mar 29 10:17:01 EDT 2012


I'm a bit lost with my programmable filter...
I have a PolyData as input, I want to compute points (it's ok, I've got 
their coordinates) and display only the points.
I've tried using vtkCellArray as vertices and lines.
When I add the new points to the array, the output contains the input 
PolyData plus points that are not related to the computed ones.
I understand that the input is automatically added to the output? When I 
do 'verts.InsertCellPoint(k)' in my for loop, I don't add my new points 
but the first ones from the input!
How can I specify the coordinates of MY points?
I don't find any method to add specific points.

Is there a way to easily put new points into the output and display them?

I think I miss something with input/output and managing the 

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