[Paraview] Unexpected lines in "Surface with Edges" mode with PV 3.14

Richard GRENON richard.grenon at onera.fr
Wed Mar 28 05:50:12 EDT 2012

Hi Utkarsh.

It seems that you were right: the problem is on my side, due to the 
settings of my graphic card NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800 on Linux CentOS.

As Paraview does not allow to set Antialiasing on, I had set 
Antialiasing through the control panel of my NVIDIA graphic card and I 
had selected the "Override Application Settings" option.

But these settings are not taken into account each time I start the PC: 
starting Paraview without opening the NVIDIA control panel before always 
gives images without antialiasing (PV 312 or PV 314), and PV 314 shows 
these unexpected lines in "Surface with edges" view mode.

But if I open the NVIDIA control panel before starting Paraview, look at 
the Antialiasing setting that is always "Override Application Settings" 
and quit the control panel without changing anything, Paraview 312 or 
314 gives now clean images with antialiasing... and PV 314 does not show 
the unexpected lines in "Surface with edges" view mode ! Very strange !

Best regards.


Utkarsh Ayachit a écrit :
> Looks like a weird driver bug or something. I could not reproduce the
> issue on my Linux box (Debian). Does the same happen with 3.12?

 Richard GRENON
 Departement d'Aerodynamique Appliquee - DAAP/ACI
 8 rue des Vertugadins
 phone : +33 1 46 73 42 17
 fax   : +33 1 46 73 41 46
 mailto:Richard.Grenon at onera.fr

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