[Paraview] Ask to save state changes before quiting?

William Oquendo woquendo at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 13:44:08 EDT 2012

Dear all,
is it possible to configure Paraview to ask to save changes, when, for
example, I accidentally close it?
Let's say I am using it, then I saved a state, I closed it, then I oppened
it, reloaded the state, did something new, and accidentally close it again.
I want to save the new state, but paraview just closes. Is there any
configuration option I am missing?
paraview 3.14
SNow Leopard 10.6.8
Thanks in advance

Best regards / Cordialmente,
William-Fernando Oquendo,
Phd Candidate,
skype-id: wfoquendop
Linux User # 321481
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