[Paraview] Python paraview.simple: Zoom To Data?

Pat Marion pat.marion at kitware.com
Thu Mar 15 10:40:08 EDT 2012

ResetCamera() will position the camera so that all visible objects fit in
the view.  You can control the view direction by setting the
view.CameraPosition and view.CameraFocalPoint properties.  You don't have
to set the properties to any useful values, I usually set position to 0,0,0
and CameraFocalPoint to the view direction, say [1,0,0] to look along the X
axis, then ResetCamera() will figure out where to put the camera while
keeping the view direction intact.


On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 6:52 AM, Nico Schlömer <nico.schloemer at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> the ParaView GUI has this nifty little button action "Zoom To Data"
> which displays the current object such that it somehow fits its
> window.
> Is there a similar thing for the Python paraview.simple module? I'm
> trying to get a hang on it with certain view options such as
>  view = pv.GetRenderView()
>  view.CameraFocalPoint = [0, 0, 0]
>  view.CameraViewAngle = 90
>  view.CameraPosition = [0, 0, 10]
>  view.ViewSize = [600, 600]
> but what I would really like to have is to set the camera at a
> distance such that the object(s) just fit into the window they're
> displayed in.
> Any hints?
> Cheers,
> Nico
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