[Paraview] Visibility in Comparative View Inspector

Andreas Puettmann a.puettmann at grs-sim.de
Thu Mar 15 05:38:32 EDT 2012

Hi all,

I am using a Comparative View to visualize data at different time points 
side by side.
Say I have some annotation as a text object (created from 
Sources->Text), which I want to show up only in one view of the 
Comparative View array.
How can this be done?

What I did is the following:
In the Comparative View Inspector, chose "Text1" from the first 
drop-down menu right to the "+"-button. Then chose "Visibility" from the 
second menu, and added this to the parameter list by clicking the "+" 
In the parameter list I then get a new entry named 
"Text1:<unrecognized-property>", which already seems strange to me. And 
finally the values for the different views are all 0, and if I change 
any of them nothing happens. I still see the text in all of the views.

Did I do it the right way?
Any help appreciated!


Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Puettmann

German Research School for
Simulation Sciences GmbH
c/o Institute of Bio- and Geosciences 1
52425 Jülich | Germany

Tel +49 2461 61 5541
Fax +49 2461 61 3870
Web www.grs-sim.de

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