[Paraview] ParaView Scripting

Stefano Charissis S.Charissis at victorchang.edu.au
Thu Mar 1 19:09:26 EST 2012

Hi all,

My group has just started using ParaView in an attempt to visualise the output of an open-source application we are using. The app outputs a single .vtu file which has multiple arrays, each representing the data at every time step of the simulation. I cannot animate this as it does not have any time information. I could not find the solution online and nor could I find any documentation for the python scripting. I tried that figuring that if I could seperate the vtu into multiple (ie. 0.vtu, 1.vtu, etc) then I could automatically produce animations.
Does anyone know how this can be achieved?

And, more generally, how can one go about learning ParaView scripting? I don't mind what language I have to use, I just want a comprehensive guide and documentation. I tried buying the book, but it is out of stock.


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