[Paraview] ParaViewWeb sample web applications does not display 3d contents

Sivaramakrishnan, Chandrika chandrika at pnnl.gov
Mon Jul 30 13:50:08 EDT 2012


In my new ParaViewWeb install none of the sample applications are rendering the 3d content. Could someone help me with this issue. I am hoping this is the right user forum as I couldn't find a similar one specifically for ParaViewWeb.  If this is not the right mailing list could one you please point me to the right one.

Here are the details of my issue:

In my new Paraview web install, when I go to localhost:8180/PWSimple  I get a blank gray/black images instead of getting 3d content. I get blank images under all three columns -Java http, Javascript, and Flex. I don't see any errors in tomcat log(catalina.out) or pw logs (pw-out*.log, pw-paraview*.log).  In catalina.out I see
INFO: Server startup in 5212 ms
Settings: default
Exec: /var/lib/apache-tomcat-6.0.35/paraviewweb-work/bin/PWServer.sh
Settings: default
Exec: /var/lib/apache-tomcat-6.0.35/paraviewweb-work/bin/PWServer.sh
- Look at 80572d5160544eae2643f6534a11450c-2
- Look at 80572d5160544eae2643f6534a11450c-1
- Look at 80572d5160544eae2643f6534a11450c-2
- Look at 80572d5160544eae2643f6534a11450c-1
- Look at 80572d5160544eae2643f6534a11450c-2
- Look at 80572d5160544eae2643f6534a11450c-1
- Look at 80572d5160544eae2643f6534a11450c-2
- Look at 80572d5160544eae2643f6534a11450c-1
- Look at 80572d5160544eae2643f6534a11450c-2
- Look at 80572d5160544eae2643f6534a11450c-1
- Look at 80572d5160544eae2643f6534a11450c-2
   -> soft quit
- Look at 80572d5160544eae2643f6534a11450c-1
   -> soft quit

When I go to http://paraviewweb.kitware.com/PWSimple/ I see 3d content in the first two columns and blank image for Flex so I hope the issue is not with my browser. I am using Firefox 14.0.1 with java enabled. The FAQ page of Paraview web has this issue listed but none of the solutions seem to match my case.  Based on the FAQ listsed possible solutions I verified that
    1. The pw-config.properties has the working dir set. I have pw.working.directory=/var/lib/apache-tomcat-6.0.35/paraviewweb-work
   2.  Checked that activemq(5.5.1) is running (I don't see any connection errors in the log)
   3. I ran superbuild with OSMesa turned on
   4. I am able to start PWServer at command line without any error
   5. Check that I am linking with the right version of  ActiveMQ-CPP  -- The faq pointed to 3.1.x but the super build came with 3.4.1
  6.  I don't see any library not found errors in the log.

Here is how I did the install:

-          I installed ParaViewWeb using the superbuild (http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaViewWeb_SuperBuild).

-          I am using tomcat 6.0.35 that is running on port 8180 (I have a different tomcat instance running on 8080)

-          I am using a system level tomcat that is installed in /var/lib/ and runs as the user "tomcat", so I followed the steps in http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaViewWeb_with_system_tomcat_package. I realized this is required after I did the initial install. Hence I ran the ccmake of the super build a second time, this time with OSMesa on and then did a make and make install

-          I did minor changes/additions to steps in http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaViewWeb_with_system_tomcat_package based on the initial errors I got - 1. instead of setting additional classpath in tomcat startup script, I did it  in catalina.properties 2. Copied all the files in PARAVIEW_INSTALL/lib/ to <tomcat dir>/paraviewweb-work/classpath.

-          I am running on a Debian OS virtual machine

-          I am using apache-activemq-5.5.1. I had an existing install that was using http connector instead of tcp, so I modified it to have <transportConnector name="openwire" uri="tcp://"/> and restart activemq. Is the version 5.5.1 compatible with Paraview/ParaViewWeb? I couldn't download version 5.3.x as specified in build instructions because all download links seem broken for this version.

Any help in resolving this issue is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I could send any additional information to debug this.


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