[Paraview] View geometry / boundaries

Zenker, Dr. Matthias Matthias.Zenker at erbe-med.com
Mon Jul 30 11:08:21 EDT 2012


thank you for the answer.

I don't see how I could get my geometry data to EnSight format - they are in STEP format.
I did not find the Extract Group Filter in Paraview 3.12.0-RC2.

It would be practical if I could superpose vtu grid data and geometry/mesh data...

I have just seen that I can superpose two vtk files. So it might be a solution to convert my geometry data to vtk and superpose it to the results. Is there a known workflow how to do that?



Von: Samuel Key [mailto:samuelkey at bresnan.net]
Gesendet: Montag, 30. Juli 2012 16:25
An: Zenker, Dr. Matthias
Cc: paraview at paraview.org
Betreff: Re: [Paraview] View geometry / boundaries

Dr Zenker,

I am not sure that your data (images?) is amenable to EnSight-formatted results.

In my case, the EnSight-format's "part" construct is used to create individually displayable graphical objects for each material in the results files. The Extract Group filter will allow any combination of parts to be extracted and further processed for display. One can also apply multiple Extract Group filters to the same datum source to create 'forked' pipelines.

As an aside, ParaView will read multiple results datum-sets (written in different formats) and display them one on top of the other or side-by-side. I find this feature very useful for creating complex displays that illustrate a particular simulation result.

Sam Key
On 7/30/2012 6:02 AM, Zenker, Dr. Matthias wrote:

when viewing the distribution of, say, temperature within a geometry, I would like to see the different bodies in the geometry as outline (resp. the boundaries as surfaces) at the same time. Is this possible? Which information is required in the vtu file (which maybe isn't there - how can I check that?)? Or else is there the possibility to overlay a mesh or geometry file (.msh, .step, ...) in the view?

Thank you for a hint,


ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH
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ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH
Firmensitz: 72072 Tuebingen
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