[Paraview] Clipping data with cube of absolute size

Karl König kkoenig11 at web.de
Thu Jul 26 04:56:32 EDT 2012


Apply three subsequent calculators that turn the coords vector by means
of the following formulas
into three additional data arrays. Then apply the Threshold filter
subsequently using the calculated x-, y- and z-coordinate data arrays to
clip your data set.

Surely, you can also clip by using the appropriate Python commands to
select a subset of cells from your data set in a Programmable Filter,
but that would be more involved.


Luca Guglielmetti wrote, On 26.07.2012 09:30:
> Hi all,
> do you know if there is a way to clip data with a cube of specific and
> *absolute* size?
> I would like to clip some data-sets of different spatial sizes with a
> cube of a specific size.
> For example I would like to clip followings data with a 10x10x10 cube:
> a) delta-z = 35, delta-y = 10, delta-x = 10
> b) delta-z = 100, delta-y = 10, delta-x = 10
> c) delta-z = 22000, delta-y = 10, delta-x = 10
> The problem is that the scale parameter of the clip-filter is *relative*
> to the spatial size of the data.
> PS: I'm newbie and I excuse me in advance for the trivial question..
> Regards, Luca Guglielmetti

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