[Paraview] pvbatch: Python Loop-memory leak

Houskamp, Joshua R CTR (US) joshua.r.houskamp.ctr at mail.mil
Tue Jan 24 14:02:22 EST 2012

I am attempting to setup a pvbatch process for a large number of exodus files using WriteAnimation for images. However, I appear to have a memory leak and the number of images continues to grow. I've been trying to delete all the variables to find an offending variable that is carrying over time steps from the previous loop, however with 15-20 operations it is tedious and I still seem to be missing the offending variable.

Is there a "Delete All" type of functionality in pvbatch? Or some other fashion for a bulk reset on variables?

The meta-code
All inside a python loop for mulitple exodus files:
Open File
--Do a bunch of clips
--Do a calulation
--Color Clips
--Label Image

Josh Houskamp

Joshua R. Houskamp, PhD
Research Scientist
Bowhead Science and Technology

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