[Paraview] PV 3.12.0 coprocessing problem

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Tue Jan 10 06:59:30 EST 2012


Everything is working ok now. I'm glad that you are far away, because you may want to throw something heavy at me.

I found that my main problem was that I passed an array of real(4) from fortran to use for the grid spacing and cast them to double* in my adaptor, this caused some ridiculous numbers to be used for the grid and the python script was basically aborting without doing anything - hence the lack of png output (and no error messages either). Of course all my print statements were in the fortran side to check that the values were correct so I didn't catch it for ages.

Anyway. All seems fine now.

New Question :
I am padding my imagedata pieces with one ghost cell on each side. Contouring etc works fine and pieces abut seamlessly, but for general safety, should I add a vtkGhostLevel array to my pointdata to ensure that other filters I might add later don't make data in these regions visible?
(I didn't look to see if there is an example anywhere that does this).



PS. When I add a scalar bar to the display, the script displays this error on the first timestep. Quite annoying - is there anything I can set to true/false to make it go away.

[cid:image001.png at 01CCCF97.857A0700]
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