[Paraview] 3.14 pvsc enumeration issues

Burlen Loring bloring at lbl.gov
Wed Feb 29 12:58:35 EST 2012


I've encountered bugs with pvsc enumerations in version 3.14.0. I have 
the attached pvsc that makes use of a couple of enumerations. After 
connecting once w/ this pvsc, neither of the enums save the user's 
choice in the GUI the next time the server is used. However they seem to 
remember the user's last choice internally and always uses that instead 
of what the user has selected in the GUI. Neither setting save=false or 
removing the default attribute helps. I filed the bug report here. 
http://paraview.org/Bug/view.php?id=12969 If it's confirmed would the 
bug be fixed in another 3.14 release? or should I simply remove 
enumerations from our pvsc's for 3.14?


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