[Paraview] Newbie Paraview support

Russell Dyson r.dyson at chester.ac.uk
Tue Feb 21 06:15:43 EST 2012

Hi all,

I'm requiring some technical support for Paraview, which I hope will be a fantastic tool for realising my research goals.

I'm trying to load a HDF5 file from the Million Song Dataset:


Presently, I'm testing on a much smaller subset (300mb) of the main 2.8Gb file:


When I attempt to load this .h5 file into Paraview, I am presented with a choice of 'readers'. In short, none of these readers work. They either result in an error, or crash Paraview.

Can you offer any assistance as regards successfully loading the HDF5 file?

Thanks in advance in anticipation of your response.

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