[Paraview] [EXTERNAL] Paraview-3.12.0 Client-Server

Scott, W Alan wascott at sandia.gov
Mon Feb 20 13:03:08 EST 2012

I know that there were some connection issues with "older" versions of PV 3.14.0.  This problem would be in the source for 3.14.0-RC2.  Give master a try, and see if that helps.  We did find the PV_CLIENT_HOST variable problem - it is fixed in master.


From: paraview-bounces at paraview.org [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Rakesh Hammond
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 9:54 AM
To: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview] Paraview-3.12.0 Client-Server


I am trying to get ParaView-3.12.0 working on our visualisation cluster.  However I am getting errors such as the following

"Socket error in call to conect : Connection refused"

As a bit of a background, I have ParaView-3.10.1 working in client-server mode on the same cluster. On the server, we have IntelMPI-4.0.1 and Slurm as the scheduler.

I tried debugging the problem by printing stuff out in vtkSocket.cxx file - I always get the message which says "Connected" from slurm out file.  The ParaView-3.12.0 client then just hangs.

I did get it to work by using a machinefile (ie outside slurm) and it worked in client-server to my work station.

I am not really sure what is the cause of this - my suspicion is that this either to do with IntelMPI-4.0.1 and ParaView-3.12.0 or with Slurm-2.1.4 (which is what is available on the cluster).

Can some one please give me some hints how I can debug this further?

Any pointers are greately appreciated.

Given my level of desperation, I tried with Paraview-3.14.0-RC2 and things have really changed here - for example, what happend to the PV_CLIENT_HOST variable? Is this no longer set?
I also note that when you set up a profile to connect to the server in reverse-connection mode, it no longer allows you to specifiy host name - is this intentional?

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