[Paraview] ANN: ParaView 3.14, Release Candidate 2 Available

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Sat Feb 11 20:28:55 EST 2012

> Again, I'm getting python stuff installed in the wrong place, e.g.:

You're talking of "make install" in ParaView, right? The full
VTK/ParaView cmake lists are currently being redone and we will be
addressing these issues. For now, I believe you may try editing the
ParaViewSource/CMake/ParaViewCommon.cmake file and the
VTK_INSTALL_PYTHON_USING_CMAKE to OFF. Then you'll use setup.py to
install the python libs. However, I'd take that with a pinch of salt.
The developer who was working on it left the code half baked and I
haven't gotten around to figuring out how far he went or where things
stand. In any case, since other folks are already working on VTK
modularization which was affecting all cmake files, I figured I'll
wait for those changes to happen.

For generating the packages on Linux (32bit/64bit), I used a new
superbuild that I started working
This only handles Linux, but it will evolve to handle all the 3
platforms and cases such as using prebuilt VTK. ParaView 's install
rules will then start following the mantra "install what I build" and
never install any dependencies i.e. no ffmpeg, no qt, etc. Instead,
we'd rely on such super-build projects to build and package
dependencies. A more elaborate discussion is definitely needed, and I
was thinking of starting that on the developers' list once 3.14 is
wrapped up.


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