[Paraview] reading netcdf files into paraview

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Tue Feb 7 23:28:17 EST 2012

Could you include the output from "ncdump -h" for your file?  The problem
is that while NetCDF files are supposed to be self-describing, the
information still needs to be interpreted and there are quite a few
conventions so it's not straightforward how to interpret an arbitrary
NetCDF file.  I would think that the NetCDFCF reader (listed as NetCDF
files generic and CF conventions) would be the most likely to work.


On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 11:02 PM, leo paul <mawerick.leo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been trying to use the readers that come default in paraview to
> read a cdf file...and although pop Ocean netcdf(Rectilinear) reader could
> read in the names of the variables it crashes when I hit apply. Nothing
> else works either. Could someone please help me? It is poloidal-toroidal
> field data that I have in the file.Earlier I had been converting the file
> into ASCII and then reading it in, but it would speed up my work a lot if I
> could read straight from the cdf file.
> Thanks
> Leo
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