[Paraview] Crash on vtr file load

Zenker, Dr. Matthias Matthias.Zenker at erbe-med.com
Tue Feb 7 07:18:28 EST 2012


I am rather new to Paraview and have used it so far to view binary vtu files generated by the Elmer FEM software.

Now I have received results files generated by SEMCAD. They are in vtr format (ASCII) and rather large. The problem is that Paraview crashes immediately without error message. I use Paraview 3.12.0 on Win XP. When I try it with 3.12.0-RC2, it loads the file, but crashes when I do a "clip" and move the section plane. In my despair, I have tried with Visit, which seems to load the file, but I cannot view any plot (I must say that this was my first attempt to use Visit.

Is there anything I can do to handle those files and/or fidn the reason why Paraview crashes? Are there binaries of newer (development) versions of Paraview which I could try, where the vtr reader might be more robust?

Thanks for a helpful hint,


P.S.: Unfortunately the vtr files are too large (30 MB to 500 MB) to attach one of them here.

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