[Paraview] Python Scripting Memory Overload

Sebastian sebastiansturm at web.de
Thu Dec 20 09:54:23 EST 2012


thank you for your messages. I tried changing "del writer" to "Delete(writer)".
However, I get the following error now:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/scratch/mesh3mm/Z085_velocity_data.py", line 41, in <module>
  File "/software/paraview/3.14.1/lib/paraview-3.14/site-
packages/paraview/simple.py", line 426, in Delete
  File "/software/paraview/3.14.1/lib/paraview-3.14/site-
packages/paraview/servermanager.py", line 2672, in UnRegister
    raise RuntimeError, "UnRegistration error."
RuntimeError: UnRegistration error.

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