[Paraview] HDF5 and Paraview

Pradeep Jha pradeep.kumar.jha at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 02:33:43 EST 2012


I dont understand something. In all of Paraview manuals it says that it is compatible with HDF5 file format. I am using Paraview 3.98.
I wrote a data file using HDF for fortran and generated a file (filename.h5). But when I am tried to open it, "*.h5" was not in the list of supported
file formats. 

Paraview gives me the message "A reader for filename.h5 could not be found. Please choose one: <followed by a long list of readers>".
Even in that long list there are no HDF5 readers, so I just started trying everything and finally succeeded with "NetCDF files generic and
CF conventions" (I don't even know what it is). 

But it is not reassuring. I don't know if this will work for any other data set. Am I missing something here?


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