[Paraview] Paraview 3.98.0 new behavior of Vislt Tecplot Reader

Richard GRENON richard.grenon at onera.fr
Wed Dec 5 04:33:07 EST 2012


I have just tried the new PV 3.98.0 Linux release and found a new 
annoying behavior of the Vislt Tecplot Reader.

I read a pvsm state file built with PV 3.14.1 and all rendering fails!

With PV 3.14.1, I get one object in Surface mode colored by the pressure 
variable, and another object in Surface LIC mode using the friction 
vector and colored by the friction modulus variable.

But with PV 3.98.0, I get only solid color representation for the first 
object, and  solid color with points representation for the second 
object, with many errors in the message window. Looking at the 
information tab of the visible objects, the variables (pressure, 
friction vector, etc...) are not present !

My data files are Tecplot Files that should be read with the Vislt 
Tecplot reader. Looking at the reader property tab, I found two options 
in the "Meshes" frame: "mesh" and "points/mesh". The "points/mesh" 
option does not appear in PV 3.14.1. Both options are checked in PV 
3.98.0 when reading a state file built with PV 3.14.1. Unchecking this 
"points/mesh" option makes rendering OK.

I tried further tests with other Tecplot files in PV 3.98.0 without 
starting from a state file. I tried to open either a file that requires 
the classic Tecplot reader, or a file that requires the Vislt Tecplot 
- when the classic Tecplot Reader is required, all is OK.
- when the Vislt Tecplot reader is required, only the "points/mesh" 
option is checked by default, so it should be unchecked and the "mesh" 
option should be checked if I want a surface mode colored by a variable 
or a Surface LIC mode.

So, my question is : what is this new "points/mesh" option in the Vislt 
Tecplot reader, and why is it checked by default ?

Best regards.

  Richard GRENON
  Departement d'Aerodynamique Appliquee - DAAP/ACI
  8 rue des Vertugadins
  phone : +33 1 46 73 42 17
  fax   : +33 1 46 73 41 46
  mailto:Richard.Grenon at onera.fr

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