[Paraview] help about paraview macro

Zhijun Zhang zjzhang at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 20:16:51 EDT 2012

Dear all:

My data has some vector properties and I would like to see them in
several tabs.
I would like to record a macro so I do not need to do this every time.
I use the tools->start trace to record the macro, i did like this:
I load in a dataset, then I open a tab, and add glyph1 for the vector
attribute 1,
and set some properties for it; then I open second tab, and add glyph2
for the vector attribute 2
then I open third tab and add glyph3 for vector attribute 3.
After this is done, I click stop trace and save it as a *.py file.
I load the macro into paraview by add a new macro.

Then I load a new dataset, and try to use the macro.
I found that I can not generate 3 independent tabs for the three glyphs views,
instead I get one tab and with 3 view windows.

I just wonder how to generate tabs in the macro actions?


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