[Paraview] Unlink a property from a GUI widget on a reader panel

Takuya OSHIMA oshima at eng.niigata-u.ac.jp
Mon Aug 27 10:35:06 EDT 2012


I have a checkbox on my custom reader panel which is automatically
generated in connection with an IntVector boolean domain property from
the SM XML proxy definition, which is set to immediate_update. 

In order for checking/unchecking the checkbox to take effect in the
server side immediately without turning the Apply button to green, In
addition to setting the immediate_update attribute I unlink the
default property link and setup/take care of an alternative link by

  pqNamedWidgets::unlinkObject(regionNames, pqSMProxy(this->proxy()),
      "ShowRegionNames", this->propertyManager());
  this->Implementation->Links.addPropertyLink(regionNames, "checked",
      SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this->proxy(), showRegionNames);
      vtkCommand::ModifiedEvent, this, SLOT(onShowRegionNamesModified()));

where regonNames is the QCheckBox and showRegionNames is the
vtkSMIntVectorProperty. This has worked well with PV 3.14.1 and
earlier versions, but with the git-master the Apply button turns to
green when the checkbox is clicked. Is there a way to immediately push
the property to the server without changing the Apply button state for
the git-master?

Just as a side note, I tested commit
3bb4f74eff3f0670df5bef12c1e29b77b394a963 (Fix auto-apply with the new
properties panel) from the next branch but it did not help (unless
turning on Auto Accept in the general setting).

Takuya OSHIMA, Ph.D.
Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University
8050 Ikarashi-Ninocho, Nishi-ku, Niigata, 950-2181, JAPAN

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