[Paraview] Creating Large Datasets from CSV

David Zemon david.zemon at mst.edu
Wed Aug 15 13:58:14 EDT 2012


I'm creating a reader to convert large dataset from CSV to a ParaView 
readable format. XDMF was chosen because it seems like a simple-to-use 
and understand format. This worked well while I was testing small 
datasets but when I scaled up to larger data, I ran across a problem 
where the XML node was too large (could not have 350,000 rows).

I want to make sure now that I am on the right track. I've decided to 
start researching the HDF5 format and will place all of my data into an 
HDF5 file and then include that in the XDMF file. Does this seem 
reasonable? Is there a better way to do it?

Thank you,
David Zemon

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