[Paraview] some ui issues

Kyle Lutz kyle.lutz at kitware.com
Wed Aug 15 11:43:37 EDT 2012

Hi Burlen,

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 8:50 AM, burlen <burlen.loring at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've noticed that the slice filter is having similar issue: apply activated
> by selecting in the pipeline browser. In my panels this was because pv is
> creating/destroying the panel as the object is selected/deselected in the
> browser so I had to be more careful during the initialization not to mark
> the object as modified, it's probably a similar issue.

Yes, this behavior has changed with the new panels. Property widgets
should be lightweight and avoid doing any heavy computation or

Also, if you could give me a list of steps to reproduce incorrect
modified flag issue I could take a look and fix it for you.


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