[Paraview] Loading binary file with header

Hal Canary hal at cs.unc.edu
Mon Aug 13 12:11:30 EDT 2012

On 08/13/2012 11:23 AM, james.walker at diamond.ac.uk wrote:
> I am trying to a binary file which has:
> dimensions: 200 x 200 x 478
> 80 byte header
> 8bit grey-scale color
> I have been trying to use the Raw (binary) Files reader with various
> parameters,  but I am been unsuccessful in displaying the object. I
> to not know how to use the File Pattern parameter, and I am currently
> leaving it as its default value.

On a Unix-type system,
	tail -c +81 INPUT_FILE > NEW_FILE
will strip the 80 byte header.

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