[Paraview] newbie question -- cannot run simple example

newsboost newsboost at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 18:04:13 EDT 2012

Oh, I just suddenly found out that I can "save trace" from within 
paraview and maybe things are working a bit more correct, from within 
the python shell from paraview... After I "save trace" to a .py file, I 
can exit paraview and write "python filename.py" and then it seems to do 
what I want it to do.... That's great...

To answer you, David: I really really hate to have to compile paraview 
from source because the great thing about ubuntu package system is that 
it installs system files and takes care of my dependencies which is 
always a huge problem.... Having realized that the save trace works, and 
then I can do things from the console, is ok for a start for me - at 
least... I'll write back to the list, if I run into big trouble. Thanks 
David... Maybe you could also comment on the ubuntu package-system, it 
sounds like you don't think it is so good or that it - interferes with 
vtk - if I understand you correct?

Thans a lot for the itk.org reference/link also... Very interesting 
stuff to read...

On 04/30/2012 10:21 PM, David E DeMarle wrote:
> You are mixing VTK's python interface and ParaView's but they are not
> completely interchangeable.
> If you are trying to learn VTK, I suggest you compile VTK from source
> with python wrapping enabled and use that directly. Although people
> have used ParaView as quick way to get a vtkpython shell, the client
> server  architecture of ParaView and the higher level wrapping of
> objects that paraview.simple gives you is going to be a source of
> confusion.
> If you are trying to learn ParaView's client side python interface, I
> suggest you start with the trace feature of ParaView and then look at
> http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ParaView/Python_Scripting for explanations of
> the things in the trace that are unfamiliar.
> David E DeMarle
> Kitware, Inc.
> R&D Engineer
> 21 Corporate Drive
> Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
> Phone: 518-881-4909
> On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 7:50 AM, newsboost<newsboost at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Hi Anton,
>> Thanks for the suggestion.
>> --------
>> from paraview.simple import *
>> from vtk.vtkRenderingPython import * #<===== NEW LINE
>> #from vtk.libvtkRenderingPython import *
>> # Create a view
>> view = CreateRenderView()
>> # Initialize a new interactor
>> iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
>> iren.SetInteractorStyle(vtkInteractorStyleTrackball())
>> iren.SetRenderWindow(view.GetRenderWindow())
>> iren.Initialize()
>> # Build pipeline
>> Sphere()
>> Show()
>> Render()
>> # Start interaction
>> iren.Start()
>> --------
>> Gives:
>> ----
>> $ python test.py
>> Warning: In
>> /build/buildd/vtk-5.8.0/Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleTrackball.cxx, line 29
>> vtkInteractorStyleTrackball (0x3798210): vtkInteractorStyleTrackball will be
>> deprecated in
>> the next release after VTK 4.0. Please use
>> vtkInteractorStyleSwitch instead.
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "test.py", line 11, in<module>
>>     iren.SetRenderWindow(view.GetRenderWindow())
>> TypeError: argument 1: method requires a VTK object
>> ----
>> I don't have any clue about what to do - I suspect it has something to do
>> with the new ubuntu 12.04. Maybe I should fill in a bug report somewhere to
>> ubuntu maintainers (not expactly sure where, however)? Also the pvpython
>> thing, maybe should make me fill in a bug report for ubuntu 12.04 ?
>> ------
>> $ pvpython test.py
>> Error converting executable file "/usr/bin/../lib/paraview/pvpython" to real
>> path: No such file or directory
>> ------
>> Thanks, although it annoys me such a simple example is not working... I
>> cannot get starting learning vtk if I cannot run the simplest examples...
>> :-(
>> On 04/29/2012 01:41 PM, Anton Gladky wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> try so:
>>> from vtk.vtkRenderingPython import *
>>> pvpython issue needs to be investigated.
>>> Anton
>>> 2012/4/29 Newsboost Guy<newsboost at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> This, I think should work:
>>>> ------------------
>>>> from paraview.simple import *
>>>> # Create a view
>>>> view = CreateRenderView()
>>>> # Initialize a new interactor
>>>> from vtk.libvtkRenderingPython import *
>>>> iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
>>>> iren.SetInteractorStyle(vtkInteractorStyleTrackball())
>>>> iren.SetRenderWindow(view.GetRenderWindow())
>>>> iren.Initialize()
>>>> # Build pipeline
>>>> Sphere()
>>>> Show()
>>>> Render()
>>>> # Start interaction
>>>> iren.Start()
>>>> ----------------
>>>> I'm using the latest ubuntu 12.04 so I suspect maybe this isnt too
>>>> good... Anyway, when I run the code I get:
>>>> -----
>>>> $ python test.py
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>    File "test.py", line 7, in<module>
>>>>      from vtk.libvtkRenderingPython import *
>>>> ImportError: No module named libvtkRenderingPython
>>>> -----
>>>> I then read that maybe I should better use "pvpython", this gives:
>>>> --
>>>> $ pvpython test.py
>>>> Error converting executable file "/usr/bin/../lib/paraview/pvpython" to
>>>> real path: No such file or directory
>>>> --
>>>> Sorry, I don't have much experience with this. It's a noob question, I
>>>> know. I hope somebody knows the answer/solution. Thank you very much -
>>>> I've been struggling with this (and making simple paraview python
>>>> scripts) for about 10 hours. No I have to ask you guys...
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