[Paraview] set paraview camera to a real camera intrinsic matrix

Li Guan li.9uan at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 12:31:24 EDT 2012

Dear all,

I am trying to augment an image from a real camera to a VR world.
I came into a problem try to configure the paraview camera to the real

I know that setting camera position, view-up direction and focal point,
will give me the correct extrinsics of the camera (i.e. orientation and
displacement of the camera in the world coordinate system), but I am now
stuck at setting the intrinsics: for example my camera center is not at the
image center, therefore, by just setting up the extrinsics does not give me
the correct rendering view I need.

Is there a standard way to set up the camera so that I get correct

Let's say we have K R t for my real camera, the image resolution is

K = [1500       0 310
             0 1400 230
             0      0     1]

R = [1 0 0
       0 1 0
       0 0 1]

t = [0 0 0]';

Many thanks!

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