[Paraview] non ordered composite distributor and IceT

Stephane PLOIX stephane.ploix at edf.fr
Mon Sep 26 11:13:17 EDT 2011


That all sounds correct.  Option 2 might get a little dodgy because the 
IceT parallel render manager does all sorts of funny things with the 
renderer and render window buffers to handle tile displays.  There will 
also be some oddness with an actor compositing an image that gets pasted 
to a framebuffer that gets composited again.

I think Option 1 (or some variant of it) would be easier to implement even 
if it does break encapsulation.

Ken knows much more than me about the Icet compositor and tiled display 
things, so there might be issues that I am not aware of here. 
Pasting the image to a framebuffer that gets composited again should not 
be an issue (the LIC mapper does it, even though it does nothing about 
parallel composition)

If you do not want to use a shader, then you need either to use the opengl 
fixed pipeline (I do not know the correction that you need to do, but that 
might be possible), or copy the pixels back on your RAM, do the work on 
the CPU and go back to the VRAM... I fear you will get horrible 
performance that way! The shaders should be quite easy to write, the 
imageProcessingPass does most of the dirty work for you (setup the 
framebuffer, render a quad...)


Stephane PLOIX
Chef de groupe
Réalité virtuelle et visualisation scientifique
1, av du General de Gaulle
92140 Clamart
stephane.ploix at edf.fr
Tél. : 01 47 65 51 10

Un geste simple pour l'environnement, n'imprimez ce message que si vous en 
avez l'utilité.

biddisco at cscs.ch 
26/09/2011 16:55

stephane.ploix at edf.fr
kmorel at sandia.gov, paraview at paraview.org
RE: [Paraview] non ordered composite distributor and IceT

I like your 2. 
As a starting point to see how it all fits together, I decided to create a 
renderview cloned from the renderviews plugin which did the RGB correction 
in a special render pass. The examples use shaders to apply the 
ImageProcessingPass, but I would like a standard imagefilter to accomplish 
I am not forced to use a shader am I? (I didn’t look too deeply yet, but 
it seems like the image processing pass receives an FBO and from that I 
can access the pixels using the imageimport and do what’s needed, but it 
looks a bit messy – is there a simpler way?).
From: Stephane PLOIX [mailto:stephane.ploix at edf.fr] 
Sent: 26 September 2011 15:41
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: kmorel at sandia.gov; paraview at paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] non ordered composite distributor and IceT

Hi John, 

I see two solutions to your pb : 
1/ you can setup special keys to tell the renderpass if a given actor 
should be rendered or not by this pass. You can then branch your 
renderpasses on two paths, one that does your special compositing and 
post-processing on the actors that you flagged with the special key, one 
that does traditionnal rendering for all other actors, and you then need 
to compose the 2 resulting images. 

2/ You could setup an internal renderpass on your mapper that uses the 
IceT compositing mechanism, apply your post-processing internally, then 
render the result of this compositing on the current framebuffer. 

Option 2 should be better since your render effect seems to be 

Stephane PLOIX
Chef de groupe
Réalité virtuelle et visualisation scientifique
1, av du General de Gaulle
92140 Clamart

stephane.ploix at edf.fr 
Tél. : 01 47 65 51 10 

Un geste simple pour l'environnement, n'imprimez ce message que si vous en 
avez l'utilité.

biddisco at cscs.ch 
Envoyé par : paraview-bounces at paraview.org 
25/09/2011 22:15 

kmorel at sandia.gov, paraview at paraview.org 

Re: [Paraview] non ordered composite distributor and IceT

After looking through the sources a little more, I see that the example 
plugin RenderPassViews does something similar to what I’m after. It add a 
render pass at the end which applies an edge detection algorithm, This 
happens after compositing – which is what I need. 
However, this renderpass applies to all mappers/actors in the 
renderer/view, so if I used this strategy, then my post processing RGB 
correction from the mapper+compositing would happen to all actors, and 
this is no good. 
So it looks like what I want to do won’t be possible, because there’d be 
no way to composite one actor individually and then blend with the others 
Since you don’t know what it is I’m trying to do, it is probably unclear, 
but in short, the mapper renders the data on each process, and after all 
RGB images are summed in the compositing phase a correction must be 
applied to the RGB values (but its not commutative, so can’t be applied on 
each process individually). (unless I modify the algorithm which might be 
possible, I’ll check on this) 
One approach might be to add a separate pass which renders only the 
special geometry, but I suspect this will be too hard because the blending 
phases would all need to be tweaked so that the compositing happened twice 
(?) – once for the special stuff, once for everything else. 
Can you tell if I’ve I understood things properly from my suppositions 
above, and if so, any other tips I might look into before I consider 
algorithmic changes. 
From: Moreland, Kenneth [mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov] 
Sent: 21 September 2011 22:30
To: Biddiscombe, John A.; paraview at paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] non ordered composite distributor and IceT 
If you look more closely, you should see that the data is only distributed 
when transparency is on.  If everything is opaque, then everything stays 
where it is.  If I remember correctly, there is a flag in 
vtkOrderedCompositeDistributor that turns it to a pass-through filter. 
It's implemented like this because it's more convenient than changing 
around the internal pipeline.  If you never have to do ordered 
compositing, you could just remove this filter.  Likewise, you can set the 
parallel render manager to do non-ordered compositing and just forget 
about the parallel k-d tree. 
From: "Biddiscombe, John A." <biddisco at cscs.ch>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 19:55:19 +0000
To: "paraview at paraview.org" <paraview at paraview.org>
Subject: [Paraview] non ordered composite distributor and IceT 
Can anyone point me to an example of a representarion which interacts with 
IceT in any n on standard way. Geometry and UGVolume Representations use a 
vtkOrderedCompositeDistributor and then IceT takes over. 
I’d like toe skip the vtkOrderedCompositeDistributor (which is ok), but 
I’m not sure how to interact with IceT and see how it doe the image 
summation etc. 
Are there any odd representations out there I can use as examples? 
John Biddiscombe,                            email:biddisco @ cscs.ch 
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07 
Via Cantonale, 6928 Manno, Switzerland      | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82 
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