[Paraview] memory allocation problem when saving animation

Ivo Roghair ivoroghair at gmail.com
Sat Sep 17 08:09:06 EDT 2011

I also encountered this behaviour, the memory just fills up until
there is nothing available anymore, then it crashes. On the
mailinglist I could find a message about the same issue for 3.10.0. It
was then suggested that in settings>animation the geometry caching
should be turned off, but I didn't try that yet.


2011/9/12 Leonie Callies <Leonie.Callies at gmx.de>:
> Hi,
> I am trying to save an animation with a large amount of data. It is vtk binary data in 2D and 3D and I add some common filters to it such as Calculators, Extract Cells by Region, warp by scalar and a contour. Every time I try to save the animation it crashes after about a third or maybe half of the time steps because of a memory allocation problem. I am using ParaView 3.10.1 on a Linux CentOS 64bit system.
> I found a bug report (ID 0011982) concerning a memory leak in 3.10.0 but it is supposed to be fixed in 3.10.1
> Has anyone else experienced this problem? Or is there an easy solution to the problem? This doesn't seem to be a problem in 3.8.1. But because of another bug in that earlier version I can't use 3.8.1.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Leonie
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