[Paraview] Custom Panel in Plugin Auto Qt Signal/Slot not working

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Mon Oct 17 10:30:50 EDT 2011

I have a plugin that has a custom Qt panel derived from pqLoadedFormObjectPanel which has a bunch of buttons. I was relying on Qt's auto hookup feature in the past to connect all the buttons and checkboxes with the proper slots that are declared in my class. Those hookups do not seem to be happening anymore as clicking on the checkboxes or buttons will not execute the code. I have had to change up my CMake files a bit so maybe I am missing something? Automoc? Not sure how to check if the header is getting moc'ed or not. 
  Just posting to make sure something has not changed between ParaView 3.10 and 3.12 that necessitates having to manually hook everything up.

Mike Jackson                    Principal Software Engineer
BlueQuartz Software                            Dayton, Ohio
mike.jackson at bluequartz.net              www.bluequartz.net

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