[Paraview] Plugin Crashing on PV 3.12 RC2

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Oct 12 15:38:54 EDT 2011

That's only needed if you're creating a file-series writer using a
writer that does not support file series, which is not the case here.
The problem is your VTk classes aren't getting compiled in/wrapped
correctly. Let me check it out.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:12 PM, Michael Jackson
<mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:
> What is this new XML tag?
> si_class="vtkSIFileSeriesReaderProxy"
> This is one of the differences between my plugin and the plugins that come with ParaView. I still can not come up with why my plugin is failing.
> --
> Mike Jackson <www.bluequartz.net>
> On Oct 12, 2011, at 12:07 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
>> Mike,
>> Can you include the CMakeLists.txt?
>> Utkarsh
>> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Michael Jackson
>> <mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:
>>> I have a custom reader plugin that I am trying to update for ParaView 3.12. Everything seems to compile OK and ParaView launches Ok. When I try to open one of my files I get the following:
>>> ERROR: In /Users/Shared/Kitware-CVS/ParaView/ParaViewCore/ServerImplementation/vtkSIProxy.cxx, line 240
>>> vtkSISourceProxy (0x121a07e60): Failed to create vtkH5VizFileReader. Aborting for debugging purposes.
>>> Which is down in this section of the vtkSIProxy:
>>>  if (className && className[0])
>>>    {
>>>    this->SetVTKClassName(className);
>>>    vtkObjectBase* obj = this->Interpreter->NewInstance(className);
>>>    if (!obj)
>>>      {
>>>      vtkErrorMacro("Failed to create " << className
>>>        << ". Aborting for debugging purposes.");
>>>      abort();
>>>      }
>>>    this->VTKObject.TakeReference(obj);
>>>    }
>>> In my "Gui XML" code I have this:
>>>   <Reader name="H5VizFileReader"
>>>          extensions="ddviz"
>>>          file_description="ParaDis Vizualization File Reader">
>>>  </Reader>
>>> and in the Server Manager XML I have this:
>>>  <!-- ************************************************************ -->
>>>    <!-- MultiBlock Reader For the dd3d Vizualization Files (.ddviz extension) -->
>>>    <!-- ************************************************************ -->
>>>    <SourceProxy name="H5VizFileReader"
>>>      class="vtkH5VizFileReader">
>>>      <OutputPort name="Nodal Data" index="0" />
>>>      <OutputPort name="Simulation Limits" index="1" />
>>>      <OutputPort name="Glide Planes" index="2" />
>>>      <OutputPort name="Node Density Vs Time" index="3" />
>>>      <OutputPort name="Stress Vs. Total Strain" index="4">
>>>     </OutputPort>
>>>      <StringVectorProperty name="FileName" command="SetFileName"
>>>        number_of_elements="1">
>>>        <FileListDomain name="files" />
>>>      </StringVectorProperty>
>>>      <IntVectorProperty name="TimeStepRangeInfo"
>>>        command="GetTimeStepRange" information_only="1">
>>>        <SimpleIntInformationHelper />
>>>      </IntVectorProperty>
>>>      <DoubleVectorProperty name="TimestepValues"
>>>        information_only="1">
>>>        <TimeStepsInformationHelper />
>>>      </DoubleVectorProperty>
>>>      <IntVectorProperty name="Filter Glide Planes"
>>>        command="SetFilterGlidePlanes" number_of_elements="1"
>>>        default_values="0">
>>>      <BooleanDomain name="Enable Glide Plane Filter"></BooleanDomain>
>>>      <Documentation>
>>>          Setting this value will filter the glide planes by the supplied
>>>          index value. The values can NOT be less than Zero (0).
>>>        </Documentation>
>>>      </IntVectorProperty>
>>>      <IntVectorProperty name="Glide Plane Index"
>>>        command="SetGlidePlaneIndex" number_of_elements="1"
>>>        default_values="1">
>>>        <Documentation>
>>>          This is the value by which the glide planes will be filtered. The
>>>          value should always be greater than 0.
>>>        </Documentation>
>>>      </IntVectorProperty>
>>>      <IntVectorProperty name="Filter Nodes By Glide Plane"
>>>        command="SetFilterNodesByGlidePlane" number_of_elements="1"
>>>        default_values="0">
>>>      <BooleanDomain name="Filter Nodes By Glide Plane"></BooleanDomain>
>>>       <Documentation>Filter the Nodes by a given glide plane index. This index
>>>       is different than the above index.</Documentation>
>>>      </IntVectorProperty>
>>>      <IntVectorProperty name="Nodal Glide Plane Index"
>>>        command="SetNodalGlidePlaneIndex" number_of_elements="1"
>>>        default_values="1">
>>>        <Documentation>
>>>          This is the value by which the glide planes will be filtered. The
>>>          value should always be greater than 0.
>>>        </Documentation>
>>>      </IntVectorProperty>
>>>            <!-- This is the toggle for the SP111 variable.-->
>>>      <IntVectorProperty name="Filter GPVoxels by 111 Slip Planes"
>>>        command="SetSP111_GPVoxel_Filter" number_of_elements="1"
>>>        default_values="0">
>>>        <BooleanDomain name="bool" />
>>>        <Documentation>
>>>          When checked the filter will include VoxelData on the
>>>          {111} slip plane
>>>        </Documentation>
>>>      </IntVectorProperty>
>>>      <!-- This is the toggle for the SPBar111 variable.-->
>>>      <IntVectorProperty name="Filter GPVoxels by -111 Slip Planes"
>>>        command="SetSPBar111_GPVoxel_Filter" number_of_elements="1"
>>>        default_values="0">
>>>        <BooleanDomain name="bool" />
>>>        <Documentation>
>>>          When checked the filter will include VoxelData on the
>>>          {-111} slip plane
>>>        </Documentation>
>>>      </IntVectorProperty>
>>>      <!-- This is the toggle for the SP1Bar11 variable.-->
>>>      <IntVectorProperty name="Filter GPVoxels by 1-11 Slip Planes"
>>>        command="SetSP1Bar11_GPVoxel_Filter" number_of_elements="1"
>>>        default_values="0">
>>>        <BooleanDomain name="bool" />
>>>        <Documentation>
>>>          When checked the filter will include VoxelData on the
>>>          {1-11} slip plane
>>>        </Documentation>
>>>      </IntVectorProperty>
>>>      <!-- This is the toggle for the SP11Bar1 variable.-->
>>>      <IntVectorProperty name="Filter GPVoxels by 11-1 Slip Planes"
>>>        command="SetSP11Bar1_GPVoxel_Filter" number_of_elements="1"
>>>        default_values="0">
>>>        <BooleanDomain name="bool" />
>>>        <Documentation>
>>>          When checked the filter will include VoxelData on the
>>>          {11-1} slip plane
>>>        </Documentation>
>>>      </IntVectorProperty>
>>>      <DoubleVectorProperty name="Youngs Modulas"
>>>        command="SetYoungsModulas" number_of_elements="1"
>>>        default_values="200.0e9">
>>>        <Documentation>
>>>          This value will be used for the calculation of the Stress/Strain curves.
>>>        </Documentation>
>>>      </DoubleVectorProperty>
>>>    </SourceProxy>
>>> I have cleaned the build directory a few times in the hopes that there was something weird with the configuration/compilation but that did not seem to help. I have not been keeping up with the changes going on with ParaView lately so this is all new to me.
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> ___________________________________________________________
>>> Mike Jackson                    Principal Software Engineer
>>> BlueQuartz Software                            Dayton, Ohio
>>> mike.jackson at bluequartz.net              www.bluequartz.net
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