[Paraview] cannot link Plugin based on Paraview 3.10.1 using Qt 4.7.4 on Mac OS OX 10.6.8 | gcc 4.2.1 | Xcode 4.0 | CMake 2.8-2 (x86_64 is on)

nikos yiotis nikos.yiotis at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 07:41:29 EDT 2011


i am working on a Paraview Plugin that adds a new Qt progress bar type to
the standard ParaView toolbar. I try to build the plugin as a stand-alone,
that is the plugin is not included in Paraview build but out of source. Note
that the plugin builds and works fine on linux x86_64 (load/unload at

I ‘ve included /Developer/Tools/Qt to my PATH for Qt/Paraview binaries and
included the libraries i need in LD_LIBRARY_PATH | DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (
blank, not sure if i have to care about this). While trying to link the
plug-in with a makefile i get:

Linking CXX shared library libZeo.dylib
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: “typeinfo for
pqPVAnimationWidget”, referenced from: pqZeo::GetTimeSteps() in pqZeo.cpp.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

Now, pqPVAnimationWidget is related to ParaView, but i believe that
QList<double> pqZeo::GetTimeSteps() {…}
makes it relevant to mention the issue here.

The first idea (although irrelevant i am afraid) is to configure the
CMakeCache file

//Build architectures for OSX

I switched to Qt 4.7.4, qmake query outputs:

I don't think there is sth wrong with my Qt installation.

   - I can only build Paraview 3.10.1 and my plug-in with Xcode 4.0 (instead
   of makefiles i used before) only if i leave BUILT_SHARED_LIBS off, which is
   of no practical merit since the plugin is static (*.a) and cannot be loaded
   to Paraview. When i switch BUILT_SHARED_LIBS to on though, i get the exact
   same message i was getting before (failure while linking)

*Linking CXX shared library libZ.dylib*
*Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:*
*  "typeinfo for pqPVAnimationWidget", referenced from:*
*      pqZ::GetTimeSteps()       in pqZ.cpp.o*
*ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64*

   - When I am trying to build the Paraview 3.12.0-RC2 version, i cannot
   even build the ParaView.xcodeproj. Cmake GUI 2.8-2 gives me:

Could NOT find
which is mandatory if Git is not found either.

CMake Error at CMake/ParaViewDetermineVersion.cmake:68 (message):
  Failed to determine source version correctly.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:70 (determine_version)

If i manually configure the CMakeLists.txt (which is a bad idea) the
procedure hangs to CMakeLists.txt:70 (determine_version) again.

   - When I am trying to build the git version on Xcode, leaving aside the
   vtk warnings like in tif_unix,c "cast to pointer from integer of different

it builds only a few dylibs and *not* ParaView.app. When i run it it hangs
to the tests below that i successfully pass

(  0. TestArraySerialization

  1. TestArrayDenormalized )

Has anyone successfully built PV (3.10.1 or RC or the git version) and her
own plugins with Xcode 4.0?
Let me know if you have any hints, cheers

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