[Paraview] problem with python script generated by trace for simple plot

pat marion pat.marion at kitware.com
Sun Oct 2 18:23:08 EDT 2011

If you edit the script and move the WriteImage() call to the very end, it
will work if you run the script form the python console in the paraview
gui.  Is the script you posted exactly what was generated, or did you move
the WriteImage() while trying to debug it?  Also, you're right that it
doesn't work correctly if you run it from pvpython.  Unfortunately there are
some bugs with replaying scripts that generate plots, and we're trying to
fix them soon.  At least one bug report that I know about is:


On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 1:21 AM, ali rostai <ali.rostai at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a simple data (stress tensor) and I want to draw Txx, Txy on a line
> with a script and save it in
> a PNG file. (since I should repeat it many times...)
> Used the trace functionality and generated a script. But the result of
> running script is totally different
> from what I get with doing it in interactive mode.
> In the output of script lines for all possible variables are visible but I
> only want two of them (tensor(0) and tensor(1))
> as you can see in the attached files.
> Can anyone help me what's going wrong here?
> Thanks,
> Ali
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