[Paraview] infovis in paraview

Aashish Chaudhary aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com
Mon Nov 14 11:14:35 EST 2011

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddisco at cscs.ch> wrote:
> Is there a particular reason that you asked about compatibility with ParaView's views/representations ?
> <
> I know that overview (as a paraview client app) was killed off, so I was aware that support for some of the paraview related infovis would fall behind. However, I also know that the infovis development within vtk proper is still carrying on. So really I was curious if the paraview integration was itself the root of the problem, or whether it was other issues. If the vtk infovis views/representations are all paraview friendly, then in principle, given a bit of hard work, all the infovis stuff can be used in paraview. Around the time when paraview's view/representation stuff was overhauled (for the Nth time), the infovis stuff was dropped and I was really just curious if there is any fundamental reason why the graph layout views can't be integrated.

Jeff would probably add more to it but in my experience we had other
issues and not just integration with ParaView.

> Experience tells me that doing parallel rendering with a lot of mixed volumes and transparent objects is nasty and doesn't work well. Since I know next to nothing about custom 'info view' rendering algorithms (in parallel), then I wondered if these were too hard to integrate etc etc (or perhaps if they were like the streaming view and needed a lot of custom info keys etc.)

> If a replacement for Overview is on the cards, then please keep the list informed if/when anything becomes available


> thanks
> JB
> --
> John Biddiscombe,                            email:biddisco @ cscs.ch
> http://www.cscs.ch/
> CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07
> Via Cantonale, 6928 Manno, Switzerland      | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82

| Aashish Chaudhary
| R&D Engineer
| Kitware Inc.
| www.kitware.com

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