[Paraview] Paraview, RC12, Version 02, 03, animation blows up

Ricardo Reis rreis at aero.ist.utl.pt
Thu Nov 3 20:53:15 EDT 2011


  I've tried this with the latests versions of Paraview.

  I have about 100 time steps in ensight files. It's a turbulent plane jet 
gone bad.

  I load it to paraview, I have turned off all geometry caching.

  I set my countours (simple vorticity and pressure), click animation 

  ...about 40 time steps later it segfaults. I've seen it doing this 
several times. I watched htop output and what I see is the Virtual memory 
figure going up and up. When it's reaching almost 3GB RAM paraview bursts 
into flames.

  I'm trying this in a 8GB RAM, 64bit machine running Linux.

  I can give my files for someone to test this. I don't understand why does 
the memory usage increases non-stop.


  Ricardo Reis

  'Non Serviam'

  PhD candidate @ Lasef
  Computational Fluid Dynamics, High Performance Computing, Turbulence

  Cultural Instigator @ Rádio Zero


  contacts:  gtalk: kyriusan at gmail.com  skype: kyriusan

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