[Paraview] "Record test" and "play test" on different computers not behaving in the same way.

Jaime A V jaiarvil at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 07:27:32 EDT 2011

Hello All,

I've run a test and saved it into an XML. If I play the test on my computer
everything goes fine. However if I run the test on a different computer
running the same version of Paraview, It says this:

Couldn't find object "MainWindow/objectInspectorDock/1pqProxyTabWidget0/qt_

Found up to "MainWindow/objectInspectorDock"****

Possible match:      "MainWindow/objectInspectorDock/0pqProxyTabWidget0/qt_

As you can see there is a small change between what has been recorded and
what is found (just 1pq... to 0pq...). Could any one point me why this
different behaviour on different computers?

Thank you in advance

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