[Paraview] ParaviewWeb : Repeated calls to GetLookupTableForArray do not change the RGBpoints array

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu May 19 09:19:36 EDT 2011

How are you loading the default.xml? Do the best of my knowledge, ParaView
Python API has no call to setup LUTs from XML.


On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 8:45 PM, Rajvikram Singh <rajvikrams at yahoo.com>wrote:

> Hi
>    I've a case where the users can load .xml files saved from the
> Paraview's 'Edit Color Map' widget and apply the color maps (containing
> R,G,B and Opacity values) to volume rendering.
> When I start the application a call is made is load a "default.xml" file
> and then do a :
> Lut = pv.GetLookupTableForArray({arrayname : "ImageFile", num_components :
> 1, HSVWrap : 0, NanColor : nanColor, RGBPoints : rgbPoints, ColorSpace :
> colorSpace});
> Sof = pv.CreatePiecewiseFunction( {Points: sofPoints});
> The variables nanColor, rgbPoints, sofPoints etc are populated by the XML
> file data. Then the Lookuptable is applied to the DisplayProperties for
> volume rendering. This part works well.
> However when the user changes the .xml color map file from a drop down, the
> same code is called again and this time it does something funny. It seems to
> retain the previous RGBPoints information and adds the new color map to it.
> So the two lookup tables look like they are merged. Is this expected ?
> Is there a way to reset the lookup table ? I did not see any obvious call
> within simple.py or pwsimple.py.
> Thanks
> Raj
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