[Paraview] 3D Glyph Representation Question

Brian C. Panneton (CONTR) brian.c.panneton.ctr at us.army.mil
Thu May 5 16:32:07 EDT 2011

I currently have a reader that creates a vtkMultiBlockDataSet with two 
blocks: one of which is a polydata consisting of vertices and lines. I 
see the data in a 3D plot as pixels and lines connecting them. To make 
it more visually appealing, I was looking into views and a saw that they 
basically just load representations.  I now am trying to create a new 
representation that replaces each of the vertices with a 3d glyph (lets 
just say a cube for simplicity). Would I be going about this the correct 
way if I were to derive a new representation from 
vtkGlyph3DRepresentation, then load that representation in my view? Are 
there any examples that show something similar to what I am trying to do?

Brian Panneton

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