[Paraview] vtk files with different time steps

Oldrich Svec oldrich.svec at gmail.com
Wed May 4 02:02:53 EDT 2011


I generate two sets of data files. One is called “particles_%.vtk” and
the other is “fluid_%.vti” where % stands for the time the files
represent. Time series of particles is [0, 30, 60, 90, ..., 15000 ]
and the time series of the fluid is [0, 300, 600, 900, ..., 15000 ].
So I take a picture of particles every 30 time step whereas I take a
picture of the fluid every 300 steps only. Is there any way to plot
the two file series together with synchronized timing? Now Paraview
assumes that the time 30 = 300, 60 = 600 etc. which is wrong...

Thank you for the help.


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