[Paraview] Getting a raytraced picture from Manta

Sohail Shafii sohailshafii at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 22 16:18:54 EDT 2011


I have been able to get Manta raytracer to compile with paraview and load in as a plugin.  I even see the extra GUI options in the "display" tab of certain filters like the Tube filter.  I'm just wondering how to get something raytraced as a result.

I did a bit a research via the list and found a page that says that I must start the paraview server with the plugin loaded.  The client would also have the plugin loaded and connect to the server. The instructions didn't say how to do that on the server side .  Usually when I start the paraview server (pvserver), it does not launch the GUI but just waits for a client connection in the terminal.  So I don't know how to load the plugin on the server...the command line options for pvserver didn't provide any hints.

Please advise.

Thanks, Sohail

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