[Paraview] Delayed Set of WHOLE_EXTENT

Dennis McWherter dmcwhe2 at illinois.edu
Wed Jun 29 14:50:03 EDT 2011

Is there a safe/proper way to update the WHOLE_EXTENT from a filter without
knowing the extent at the initial call of RequestInformation()? That is, I
may need a way to override such information in subsequent RequestData calls
(if it would be safe to do so).

The basic design to my problem is that the extent information is located
within a drop-down in the GUI loaded by the plugin. That said, I will not
have the extent information until after the user has selected an option from
the drop-down (hypothetically, my second call to RequestData just before
displaying the object).

If it is not possible to resolve this issue in such a manner, is there a
better way to accomplish this task?

Dennis McWherter
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