[Paraview] python shell move data from client to server

Florian Beck Flo.44 at gmx.de
Wed Jun 29 05:23:00 EDT 2011


I want to create a DataObjectGenerator with an unstructered Grid. And when later I want to modify the grid. My try looks as follows:

# create the DataObjectGenerator
DataObjectGenerator1 = DataObjectGenerator()
DataObjectGenerator1.Program ='UG1'

# read some coord from over objects

# to manipulate the grid fetch it
mysource = FindSource("DataObjectGenerator1")
output = servermanger.Fetch(mysource)
# clean old data

# create some points and  triangle cells
pts = pts.vtkPoints()
pointIds = vtk.vtkIdList()
# print the ugrid object
print output

My problem is after i manipulate the ugrid on the client side there, i can't move it to the server side??? Is there a solution to connect the manipulated ugrid at server side with my DataObjectGenerator ?  I know there are the programmable source, but i need data from other objects to manipulate the grid and i want to use my python script as macro.

regards flo
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