[Paraview] help with PYTHONPATH and Medical3.py

FISSELL at pitt.edu FISSELL at pitt.edu
Fri Jun 24 15:11:49 EDT 2011


New python/paraview user.

I built paraview 3.10.1 on CentOS release 5.5 with python scripting enabled.
I can run the
script successfully.

I am trying to get the Medical3.py script from paraview-3.4.0 working
Is that script too old or can I get it to work in paraview 3.10 ?

To get past various error messages I tried changing my PYTHONPATH
to include various combinations of

got by a number of errors, but latest error, displayed in python shell is
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 11, in ?
line 13, in vtkGetDataRoot
    for i in range(0, len(sys.argv)):
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv'

How should I set PYTHONPATH to run Medical3.py ?

What is the difference between

thank you

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