[Paraview] Running ParaView Server from new ParaView code structure (for collaboration)

Alexis Chan alexisc at cs.unc.edu
Sun Jun 19 14:45:49 EDT 2011


I got the new Paraview source code that is built to enable client-to-client
collaboration from https://github.com/Kitware/ParaView/ . I would like to
set up a ParaView server and test if I could connect two ParaView clients to

To do that, do I have to enable PARAVIEW_USE_MPI?

I compiled Open-MPI 1.4.3 <http://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v1.4/>
from source via CMake out-of-source build.  But when I build ParaView with
PARAVIEW_USE_MPI , I ran into compilation problems in the VTK and IceT
projects. They seem to be related to the inability to find MPI directories.

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