[Paraview] PV 3.10.0 mpi question

Stephen Wornom stephen.wornom at inria.fr
Wed Jun 8 05:34:04 EDT 2011

My mpi ParaView had been working correctly in the client/server mode.

Since I last ran the mpi mode there have been several ParaView upgrades 
so I don't know the last version of PV in which it worked correctly. The 
current installed PV version on the cluster is  PV 3.10.0.

There are three types of files:
 .pvtu and .vtu

In the past,
1- I submitted paraview un the cluster in a batch mode, noted the 
listening core then
2- Started PV on my station and
3- opened the results.pvd file.
Worked correctly

Now, when I try to open results.pvd on my workstation I get this error

vtkPVDReader (0x36700b0): Could not read file information

line 756

vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (0x35d0bd0): Algorithm 
vtkPVDReader(0x36700b0) returned failure for request: vtkInformation 

Debug: Off

Modified Time: 106864

Reference Count: 1

Registered Events: (none)




Can someone tell if the following file is correct (or has it been modified in recent versions of PV?). If I open the .pvtu files themselves they work correctly

cat paraview_results.pvd
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VTKFile type="Collection" byte_order="LittleEndian">
    <DataSet timestep="1.4083" part="001" file="solf.015001.pvtu" name="Asmb:FRAME"/>
    <DataSet timestep="1.4229" part="001" file="solf.015500.pvtu" name="Asmb:FRAME"/>

Hoping someone can help me resolve the problem.

stephen.wornom at inria.fr
2004 route des lucioles - BP93
Sophia Antipolis
06902 CEDEX
Tel: 04 92 38 50 54
Fax: 04 97 15 53 51

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