[Paraview] vtkPVPostFilter bug question

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Mon Jun 6 03:47:47 EDT 2011

Recently (3.10 onwards I think) a new filter was added to paraview which does some 'conversion' of inputs so that they can operate with filters that they would otherwise not do so.

I am finding that some filters of mine which produce vtkStructuredGrid output, produce no visible output inn paraview and after some painful debugging have tracked it down to vtkPVPostFilter, specifically

When vtkPVPostFilter is passind datasets directly from input to output without taking any action, it does a simple
I had to add
in order for my datasets to become visible in the PV GUI.

I believe that this is a bug in pvPostFilter, and I suspect it is new because the executive used to do a lot of the information copying without filters needing to do it.

The odd thing is that some vtkStructuredGrid sources were still working without the extra information copy and so I'm not 100% sure it's a bug (or some deficiency in the datasets).

Can one of the kitware chaps comment on why I might have trouble with some filters, but not with others. The key part seems to be that the Extent information needs to be set in the information as well as the dataset and when doing a copyStructure, it isn't passed through.


John Biddiscombe,                            email:biddisco @ cscs.ch
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07
Via Cantonale, 6928 Manno, Switzerland      | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82

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