[Paraview] Paraview and Windows 7 update

Hertzberg hertzberg at colorado.edu
Fri Jul 22 16:18:22 EDT 2011

I am new to the list, so please forgive me if this subject has already
been dealt with.
I have been using Paraview for a few months on my Windows 7 (64 bit)
desktop machine with no problems (except for the usual user errors!).
After a Windows security update this past Tuesday (7/19), PV asked
for, (and I granted) a firewall exception. However, now I get the
following errors after loading a local vtk legacy dataset, one that had no
problems before Tuesday:
ERROR: In ..\..\..\..\source\Servers\Common\vtkServerConnection.cxx, line 66
vtkServerConnection (000000000AB56900): Server Connection Closed!

ERROR: In ..\..\..\..\source\Servers\ServerManager\vtkSMTimeStepsInformationHelper.cxx,
line 66
vtkSMTimeStepsInformationHelper (000000000B36AE40): Error getting
array settings from server.

ERROR: In ..\..\..\..\source\Servers\ServerManager\vtkSMTimeStepsInformationHelper.cxx,
line 66
vtkSMTimeStepsInformationHelper (000000000B36AE40): Error getting
array settings from server.

Suggestions are welcome.

Jean Hertzberg

Dept. Mechanical Engineering
University of Colorado, Boulder

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