[Paraview] Reader Plugin, PARAVIEW_EXTRA_INSTALL_RULES_FILE and cpack

Felipe Bordeu felipe.bordeu at ec-nantes.fr
Fri Jul 22 09:35:54 EDT 2011

hello everybody

I built ParaView from git-release brach. (on a mac 10.6.8, QT carbon, 64bit)
And I built also a reader plugin in a separate build tree (with 

Now I am trying (fighting) to do the right packe for distribution. I 
like to put my plugin inside the .dmg.

Soo I used the PARAVIEW_EXTRA_INSTALL_RULES_FILE variable in the 
paraview configuration:
(PARAVIEW_EXTRA_INSTALL_RULES_FILE = /my/plugin/installrules.txt)

the installrules.txt file contains:
INSTALL(FILES /plugin/build/dir/libmyreader.dylib DESTINATION 
INSTALL(FILES /plugin/source/dir/myreader.h DESTINATION 


but after the :

cpack -G DragNDrop --config 

the plugin files are not in the dmg file!!!!!

I can live with  the plugin not inside the dmg image, but how can I 
clean the RPATH  of my plugin so I can distribute it ????



Felipe Bordeu Weldt
Ingénieur de Recherche
Tél. : 33 (0)2 40 37 16 57
Fax. : 33 (0)2 40 74 74 06
Felipe.Bordeu at ec-nantes.fr
Institut GeM - UMR CNRS 6183
École Centrale Nantes
1 Rue de La Noë, 44321 Nantes, FRANCE

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